Vihn Mizrahn

Barkeep | Old Man | Gyr Abanian

Available for RP at The Bottom Line on Faerie (Aether) – Fridays, 8-10pm EST.


Name: Vihn Mizrahn | Former Names: X'vihn Tia, X'vihn Nunh Age: 42 | Height: 5'2" | Weight: 155 lbs | Build: Muscular - Fat | Race: Miqo'te | Ethnicity: X Tribe | Nationality: Gridanian | Birthplace: Gyr Abania | Gender: Cisgender Man | Sexuality: Pansexual


Vihn is a scraggly Miqo’te with tired blue eyes, a hastily-trimmed mane and a tufted tail. He is small for a male Seeker, notably shorter than his tribemate, X’rhun. Though generally fit, his body has softened a bit around the chest, waist and upper arms.

Vihn has prominent, petal-like tattoos on his temples. He insists these were awarded to him for his first successful hunt. To those members of a certain X Tribe clan, however, they betray Vihn’s former status as a nunh.


Vihn is gruff, good-humored, and unexpectedly pleasant to spend time with. His easy inquisitiveness and laid-back demeanor make him very approachable, despite his curmudgeonly appearance. Vihn is guarded when discussing his own life and experiences, often deflecting with self-deprecating jokes or anecdotes.

He is outwardly straightforward and decisive, which occasionally reveals a fierce stubbornness. Though his heart’s generally in the right place, Vihn will be the first to throw a punch when diplomacy fails. He is most hostile toward things that he sees as a threat to the wellbeing of his friends. This paternal concern manifests as gentle teasing toward those he feels most protective of.

Age and upbringing have gifted Vihn with a relaxed attitude toward sex and sexuality. Though he has learned the hard way not to discuss such subjects in polite company (at least not in depth), he personally has no shame or shyness discussing his own sexual preferences or exploits. An eternal bachelor and frequent brothel-goer, Vihn has little interest in romance as a whole.


X'rhun Tia is Vihn's oldest friend and confidant. They grew up in the same tribe but parted ways when Rhun took up the cloak of a Red Mage. However, fate brought them together again a decade later when Rhun was in Gridania seeking an apprentice. Since then, the two have kept in contact.

M'rhaz Nunh, though not a member of Vihn's tribe, remembers the infighting that plagued the X Tribe during the building of Baelsar's Wall. Though he was not privy to all the details of the conflict, M'rhaz remembers Vihn as an agitator who abandoned his tribe in the wake of encroaching imperial occupation. Having witnessed the suffering of the X Tribe in the aftermath of this event, M'rhaz remains deeply critical of Vihn's actions.

Ywain Deepwell was Vihn's first true friend after fleeing to Gridania. Ywain saw the despondent refugee and recognized his need for camaraderie and purpose. After learning about Vihn's skill with a lance, he invited him to join the Wood Wailers. The two worked alongside each other for many years, until Vihn left to join the Adders.

Mother Miouenne was initially skeptical of the Vihn, who she met when he was assigned to train and recruit new adventurers registered at the Carline Canopy. At the time, Vihn wore tinted sunglasses and presented himself as a Keeper of the Moon to deflect prying questions about his origins and past. Miouenne, who took it upon herself to help and uplift the oppressed Keepers, recognized the deception and assumed ill intent. Over time, however, she learned about Vihn's regrets concerning his past and thus became one of his few intimate friends.


Loon Rhouj is Vihn's boss, business partner, and dear friend. He has known her since she was a teenager, but the two grew close after Loon began working for the Twin Adders as a conjurer. Indeed, it was Vihn's propensity for throwing himself into dangerous situations that convinced Loon - and Vihn, in turn - to retire from the Grand Company. Despite his groaning, he is very patient with Loon and is happy to be bossed around by her.

Faiette Traivierre is Vihn's bandmate and preferred drinking buddy. They made out once while entirely shitfaced and still laugh about it.

Sarnai Dotharl hadn't demanded much attention from Vihn until she attempted a strongarm takeover of The Bottom Line. Vihn strongly opposed Sarnai's changes, fearing they would ultimately drive clientele away from the bar. Now that that's in the past, though, Vihn has assumed his former ambivalence toward the "punk-ass Dotharl."

Rose Sparrowfeather is a jack-of-all trades who - in addition to being The Bottom Line's chef - is also a member of Vihn's band. To Vihn, Rose is an enigma who is so enraptured with her many hobbies that she is unconcerned for all else. Her unsurpassed skill in a variety of trades have earned her a cautious respect.

Haven Tiarne is like a son to Vihn. Though Vihn doesn't view himself as much of a mentor, he is always glad to be Haven's confidant and can't help but feel pride at the young man's accomplishments.

Lily Az'neval is also something like a child to Vihn. Well, perhaps like a toddler. A toddler with an excellent disposition, a knack for getting into trouble, and bizarrely inexplicable powers. Maybe nothing like a toddler at all. He regards her fondly, and with an understandable amount of well-meaning concern.

Maxie Allumina is Vihn's coworker at The Bottom Line. She's on his mental list of "folks to contact when shit his the fan."

Ind'hii Lihzeh is a patron of The Bottom Line. Though Ind'hii gives the impression that he is a responsible adult, Vihn's experiences with Rose have conditioned him to be distrustful of perpetual tinkerers.

Tonari Tokage is another of Vihn's beloved drinking companions. He admires her carefree attitude and her ability to get even the tightest-wound individuals to let loose.

V'kor Tia is a soft-spoken gemstone trader who Vihn had a fling with during a brief period when he was physically a hrothgar. Even after Vihn was able to source a fantasia potion and transform back to a miqo'te, Kor voiced a desire to continue seeing him. Vihn has been somewhat twitterpated ever since.

RP Hooks

Red Magic
Being a close acquaintance of X’rhun, Vihn has been on the receiving end of some red magic mishaps in his day. X’rhun’s “quantity over quality” approach to recruitment has been an increasing cause of concern for Vihn, who often has to deal with the fallout.

“Rhun, it’s not my business how ye train yer little magicians, but if another one stumbles in here tryin’ to vernormous their pint of beer, I’m gonna start handing out yer linkshell.”

Gyr Abanian Seeker Tribes
Vihn is not forthcoming about his past in Gyr Abania. However, his distinctive face markings would be recognizable to a keen-eyed observer familiar with the X Tribe. Moreover, “Vihn” may be known to middle-aged members of Gyr Abanian seeker tribes as the name of an agitator who abandoned his tribe during the building of Baelsar’s Wall.

“What did the tribe gain by standing their ground, a pile of corpses and two decades of regret? Fine, they can have it.”

Wood Wailers
Vihn worked as a Wood Wailer in Gridania during the Age of Calm. He is very familiar with the lancer’s guild and has many entertaining anecdotes about his time living in the barracks there.

“Let me tell ye about the time Ywain found me in his bunk with the barman from the Canopy…”

Twin Adders
Vihn worked as a Captain for the Twin Adders and oversaw a small squadron of adventurers. To his squadron, he was a good leader with a penchant for getting himself into dangerous situations while trying to protect others. To his fellow captains, he was a hard drinking, flirtatious man who some thought gave a bad name to the Grand Company. Though he has since retired, he is remembered fondly by his former subordinates, if not by his compeers.

“I would’ve been done in if it wern’t for the quick thinkin’ of my conjurer, who hit me with an esuna right as the morbol blasted me with its wretched breath. Course, it took weeks to get the stink outta my clothes, but better late than never, eh?”